
eBiblio Comunitat Valenciana is a service of the Valencian Public Reading Electronic Network that makes it possible to read electronic books through the internet. eBiblio makes a technological platform available to citizens that allows them to access the catalog and borrow the main editorial news in digital format so that they can be read on different devices: tablets, smartphones, personal computers or electronic book readers.

Anyone who has a reader card issued by a library integrated in the Xarxa Electrònica de Lectura Pública Valenciana can use eBiblio.

If you do not have a reader card, you do not know your username or password or you have to update your email, you can contact the library by phone or send an email to biblioteca@potries.org and we will help you.

The service is available at the address comunitatvalenciana.ebiblio.es.

Loaned books can also be accessed through the eBiblio app, available for iOS and Android.

Through this simple video we show you how to find the book you are looking for in the eBiblio catalog:

The service has been promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport with the collaboration of the Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport of the Generalitat Valenciana and is managed by it.

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